Launchpad Navigation with UI5 Boilerplate (v0.8)

ui5 boilerplateA Launchpad is now part of the UI5 Boilerplate, similar to  the famous Fiori Launchpad. In contrast to the Fiori Launchpad it is part of the App itself and enables Launchpad Navigation within the App.

As before the navigation items, here Tiles, are generated automatically from the menu definition file (menu.json). So there is nothing special necessary to switch and use the Launchpad, simply update to current version on UI5BP.

New Features of OpenUI5 v1.22


The next major release of OpenUI5 is out (see official post on OpenUI5 Blog). Let’s see which new features were added in the past 3 months and how useful they are. To do so, I added a dedicated page „New Features v1.22with some of the new controls to the UI5 Boilerplate and update the „UI5 Boilerplate Demo Website“, so you can see them „live“ and „in action“.  As always we focus on mobile usage.

OpenUI5 v1.20.4 released


A new major release of OpenUI5 is available. So clear your browser cache. It is now version 1.20.4 and again it is ahead of SAPUI5 which in the meanwhile also reached 1.20.3 version number.

Grunt Support for UI5 Boilerplate

GruntWith the last submit of UI5 Mobile Boilerplate Grunt Support was added to the Boilerplate. It is now possible to start a dev server from command line. Grunt is a Java Script Task Runner, which can be used to automate recurring tasks, like unit test, minification or packaging the web app. Probably Grunt will also be used as build infrastructure for OpenUI5.

Add Page to UI5 SplitApp Boilerplate

ui5In previous blog posts we created the basis to work/develop with the UI5 Boilerplate in different environments (OpenUI5, SAPUI5, SAP or non-SAP centric Development Environment) and the app structure concept was explained in the SCN blog post UI5 Boilerplate explained (Part 1). It is now time to extend the UI5 Boilerplate:

How to add an additional Page to UI5 SplitApp Boilerplate?

Step 1: Create new View and Controller for the new Page

In this step we assume you work with Eclipse and the SAPUI5 Toolkit Plugin. If you work without the SAPUI5 Toolkit you have to create the files yourself.