New Features of OpenUI5 v1.22
The next major release of OpenUI5 is out (see official post on OpenUI5 Blog). Let’s see which new features were added in the past 3 months and how useful they are. To do so, I added a dedicated page „New Features v1.22“ with some of the new controls to the UI5 Boilerplate and update the „UI5 Boilerplate Demo Website“, so you can see them „live“ and „in action“. As always we focus on mobile usage.
OpenUI5 v1.20.4 released
A new major release of OpenUI5 is available. So clear your browser cache. It is now version 1.20.4 and again it is ahead of SAPUI5 which in the meanwhile also reached 1.20.3 version number.
Grunt Support for UI5 Boilerplate
With the last submit of UI5 Mobile Boilerplate Grunt Support was added to the Boilerplate. It is now possible to start a dev server from command line. Grunt is a Java Script Task Runner, which can be used to automate recurring tasks, like unit test, minification or packaging the web app. Probably Grunt will also be used as build infrastructure for OpenUI5.
UI5 SplitApp Boilerplate – Explained Part 1 – on SCN
Only a small entry here as the full article is available on SAP Community Network (SCN):
UI5 Boilerplate explained (Part 1) on SCN
The article describes application and file structure of the UI5 SplitApp Boilerplate.
Run UI5 Apps on Apache Tomcat
Let’s use Apache Tomcat to run UI5 Apps! Tomcat is a very light-weight, but a full blown Java based app and web server. It can be well integrated into Eclipse IDE and therefore a perfect counterpart in development. It is much more light-weight and faster in startup than any SAP Java Server. It also enables you to write server-side components (like servlet’s, JSP’s,…), which then can be consumed by our UI5 App. And like OpenUI5 it is Open Source and free!