UI5 SplitApp Boilerplate – Explained Part 1 – on SCN
Only a small entry here as the full article is available on SAP Community Network (SCN):
UI5 Boilerplate explained (Part 1) on SCN
The article describes application and file structure of the UI5 SplitApp Boilerplate.
UI5 Mobile SplitApp Boilerplate
There are different approaches to start a new project with SAP UI5 or OpenUI5 (let’s call it simply UI5). One way is to use the SAP UI5 Eclipse Tools described in the blog post „SAP UI5 – Quickstart“. The generated UI5 Application Project is very, very basic and you are bound to Eclipse to do your development, which is not everybody’s favorite IDE of course.
On the other hand there are already some really nice UI5 Tools, which can help you. For example the Yeoman generator for OpenUI5, which is based on node.js and can generate a nice application structure or only single components. Another example is the Sublime Text 2 Package for UI5/OpenUI5, which contains Snippets and Templates and is very useful.
So whatever your favorite IDE is, either Eclipse, Sublime Text, WebStorm, IntelliJ, Xcode, Visual Studio, emacs, notepad or vi, you should be able to use Git and clone the UI5 Mobile SplitApp Boilerplate from GitHub (if not, you should try hard) resulting in a nice app structure with base feature, which can be used as starting point for development:
App Entwicklung mit jQuery Mobile
Smartphones (iPhone, Galaxy S) und Tablets, wie das iPad, werden immer beliebter, auch im Business Bereich tut sich viel. Deswegen bleibt das Thema App Entwicklung auch weiterhin ein Dauerbrenner. Wie immer stellt sich die grundsätzliche Frage, entwickle ich native also direkt gegen die zugrundeliegende Plattform, also auf Basis iOS oder Android. Oder versucht man einen […]