UI5con – the first ever conference focusing on SAPUI5/OpenUI5 took place on 11th March 2016 in Frankfurt. UI5con is driven by the community and not solely by SAP folks.
I was pleased that my proposal for a session was accepted and hence got one of the eligible 80 seats. The demand was so high, that the UI5con was sold out within less than an hour and more than 150 people put themselves on the waiting list.
There were several top-class sessions, have a look at the agenda of the UI5con. All in all a fantastic community event and it was great to meet people personally, which you so far only did known virtually or perhaps as author of important UI5 git commits.
Title of my talk was „Full-Stack JavaScript mit OpenUI5“. Below you find the slides of this talk.
NEMO – Full-Stack JavaScript with OpenUI5
Inspired by the well-kown MEAN stack (MongoDB – Express – Angular – Node.js) this session introduced the NEMO stack using OpenUI5 instead of Angular to prototype a full-stack JavaScript application.
To view the slides lease click into the below iFrame and press Space to scroll through it. Important remark: this will not work for Smartphones and Tablets as impress.js the library I used to make this presentation is not supporting this kind of devices:
The most interesting part of the session are not the slides, but the live coding I did to develop this most basic application from ground including database access with Mongoose, backend with express.js/Node.js and frontend with OpenUI5. With the help of tools like WebStorm, npm, gulp and bower:
Most of the session have been recorded, you can watch all the great session via the dedicated YouTube Playlist:
A nice recap of the UI5con was done by Kimmo Jokinen.
Hello Hans-Peter,
Thank you for an excellent presentation.
I am trying to follow along in WebStorm and I was wondering if you have the code available, perhaps on github?
Thank You,